As a lightweight thermoplastic conveyor belt manufacturer,  esbelt is capable of formulating its thermoplastic belt covers to adapt to all types of working conditions.  Our choice of fabric, that forms the structure of the belts, is another key factor to ensuring the strength and durability of our belts.   We also take great care in the selection of our raw material suppliers to ensure that they too comply with industrial normatives and regulations.

In this section, you can learn more about the different properties and characteristics of our conveyor belts used in different working conditions and applications.



The ATEX belts prevent the risks of explosion. Suitable for potentially explosive atmospheres.


Food belt regulations

FDA and EU certified food grade belts to ensure food safety and protect human health.


Flame retardant

Measures the capacity of the conveyor belt to extinguish a flame on it and the ease with which the flame reappears once extinguished.



Wide range of antistatic belts (ISO 284) for horizontal conveyors and bucket elevators.


Cut resistant

Our cut resistant belts are made of topcover thermoplastics formulated to withstand repeated cuts from sharp objects.


Resistant to oils

Belts specially designed to have good behavior in contact with animal, vegetable and mineral oils and fats.


Wick resistant

Esbelt’s wick resistant belts are made with a specially treated fabric that is resistant to fluid penetration.



Bacteriostatic formulation with long-lasting antimicrobial and antibiofilm effects (ISO 22196).


Abrasion resistant

Belts designed for hard and abrasive applications or where the cleaning system has brushes and scrapers.



Esbelt polyurethane belts are resistant to hydrolytic degradation avoiding loss of adhesion and performance.


Low elongation

Belts with a multilayer structure that evenly distributes lifting effort, reducing stretching.

canto vivo

Knife-edges applications

Belts with greater longitudinal flexibility, ideal for applications with knife-edges and drums with very small diameters.


Pyrolysis test

The VERNA (polyolefin) and POLER (thermoplastic polyester) belts, recommended in the Tobacco sector, pass this Pyrolysis test.


Frayless belts

Belts with a special fabric that minimizes the fraying of the belt, reducing the risk of contamination.


Thickness regularity

Extraordinary thickness regularity of the thin TPU belts.

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